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There are 40 results.
Integration methods for solar heat into industrial production processes
The project aims at the development of integration methods for solar heat into industrial production process with batch operations as typical for SMEs
Knowledge based determination of plant species
Pollen for medical applications can be sorted by special machines. An integrated database and a spectrometric calibration allow a precise separation of the species with an identification of the plant species.
PROMISE - Production with solar energy. Study on the potential of thermal solar energy systems in trade and industry depending on the production processes
Documentation of realized plants for the use of thermal solar energy in trade and industry companies. Identification of production processes and branches, which have a demand for low-temperature heat. Determine the potential of solarthermal systems to provide low-temperature heat. Case studies for branches and processes with the highest mid-term potential for realization of a solar plant.
Passivhauswohnen³: Facility Management for Residential Property Developers: A Key to Optimizing the Reduction of Energy and Operation Costs
What soon will be considered "standard" in ecological building must be carried out by the property developer and accepted by the future user. Therefore, in order to assist a smooth implementation of the new passive housing technique and begin the corresponding feedback mechanisms, a specific KMU "quality and incentive model" should be launched. The interrelationship of this model is designed with the property developer as well as the user in mind and aims for lasting "behavior modification" in energy and operational expense consumption.
Production of bioethanol in addition with heat, power and valuable byproducts
The production of bioethanol in Bruck/Leitha in addition to the production of heat, power and valuable by-products from biomass will be optimized by a new process simulation tool under the target of maximum usage of waste and low temperature heat and optimal source and product usage.
Raise in efficiency due to optimized waste heat management in heat intensive processes of the metal-working industry
This project drives at optimizing the energy input at the manufacturing process of oil tempered spring steel. This aim is met by investigating different options of waste heat recovery from industrial furnaces and heat insulation of heat treatment bathes. Besides, options of lead removal from anthracite will be listed.
Refrigerating plants in hotel and catering industry
To the frequent uses of refrigerating plants in hotel and catering industry was not paid a lot of attention in the way of energy efficiency so far. We are talking about plug-in cooling units and custom-made cooling equipment. Aim of the project: finding out the manner and amount of refrigeration usage, as well as the estimation of energy savings potential and measures, especially for custom-made cooling equipment.
Renovation with passive house technology by master-builder – verified planning documentation – Guide and seminars
The project aims at an increased implementation of passive house technology by the planning as well as the operating master-builder.
S I P settlement models in passive house quality
Research, development and realization of integral building concepts in passive house quality!
Saving energy with "single-family house contracting"
Saving energy with "single-family house contracting": developing of standardized modules for energy saving measures, evaluation methods for proving the quality of the measures, model contracts and marketing-strategies.
Shutdown factory - Central control and communication system and overall concept for a reduction of energy cost and optimization of resources during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities
Development of solutions to reduce the energy cost during the stand-by-mode of industry facilities. Focus areas: innovative control and communication system for the problem of the shut down and start up, entire concept on energy savings cost during the stand-by-mode, creating awareness concerning the problem in the industry
Smart Metering consumption
The project Smart Metering consumption focused on the energy consumption of the future smart metering infrastructure - an issue not widely discussed until now.
Solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller
A solar thermal cooling system consisting of a parabolic trough collector field and a steam jet ejector chiller has been developed. The necessary components were built and tested and finally put together to get an operating pilot plant at the test facility.
Strategic optimisation of the regulation of air moisture through ventilation systems to reduce energy demand for humidifiers and dehumidifiers
For the validation of coupled room and building component simulations, an analytical solution of this unsteady problem was developed. Finally, a simplified method for determining the humidification and dehumidification demands considering a room's effective moisture capacity was developed.
Sustainable energy supply for Austria
Rapidly increasing energy consumption and decreasing resources of fossil fuels lead to dramatical economical, ecological and social problems.This study identified the feasible long term potential of renewable energy sources. Then ways were developed how to supply the demand for future energy consumption with renewable energy sources, despite increasing energy services.
Urban Future - "Resource Efficient City of Tomorrow"
Challenges fort he cities of tomorrow with research issues referring to resource management, efficiency and technology development
Use of thermal cooling technologies and optimal combination with other heat energy consumers to use during summer the available district heating based on renewable energy sources: example of the municipality of Mureck
Optimal use of heating energy from a biogas CHP in the municipality of Mureck through demand side measures; the multifunctional energy centre Mureck on the way towards thermal air-conditioning: Multi-Mukli
Waste heat utilisation and use of renewable energy sources in a metal-working enterprise
Use of waste heat and covering of the remaining energy demand by the renewable energy sources hydropower and biomass in a metal-processing company.
Wood-processing employing a superimposition of ultrasonic vibrations
Development of wood-processing techniques employing high-frequency ultrasonic vibrations in terms of applications in the woodworking industry.
Zero Carbon Buildings International - Evaluation and Analysis
Analysis of the performance of a demonstration building on the Philippines and potential for transferability to other developing and newly industrialising countries.